where the party is!

paws n’ pints, brings you

the doggy parade!


The Annual Paws n’ Pints Doggy Parade is back for its second year. Come Sunday, May 19th, we invite all dog owners to join us with your furry friend to show them off to the world!

Meeting at the Pint House at 2:00 PM, we will begin walking all the dogs through the beer garden, onto the sidewalk, up Main Street, and back to the Pint House for the whole town to see. We invite everyone in town to come out to the streets and cheer on the dogs.

Once we arrive back at the Pint House, all the dogs will reconvene in the back where we will kick off our runway show. Everyone signed up will get the opportunity to walk their dog along the runway for the chance to impress our judges and compete for a grand prize!

This year, we have three golden bones up for grabs: The first is for 'Best in Show'—reserved for the top dog with the best look or costume of the day! Next, we have a golden bone for the 'Best Trick'—if your furry friend can impress the judges beyond looks, this is their category! Finally, we have a golden bone for the 'Best Owner and Dog Coordinated Costume,' awarded to whoever vibes the hardest with their dog!

We will also be selling raffle tickets and handing out grand prizes for our shelter fundraiser.

If you have any questions, please reach out!

paws n’ pints

Who Let the Dogs Out! Seriously though, they are all heading here, and their owners should probably know where they are hanging out and drinking!
All jokes aside, you and your furry friend's favorite event, Paws n’ Pints, is back for its fourth year in a row, and it's even better than before!

KICKING OFF SUNDAY APRIL 14TH! 2pm - 5pm at the Pint House

*We are already expecting a large turn out for our first event, if snow does not clear in time we may need to limit the number of dogs around the pint house.

Like in years past, every Sunday through April and May, we invite all dog owners and their dogs to come hang out at the Pint House. We have great food, great beer, and every week is sponsored by a local business offering a gift basket! That gift basket is raffled off, and all proceeds from raffle tickets go directly to local shelters and organizations supporting our furry friends.

We have two special events as well!

Mother's Day, May 12th: Paint and Sip your own doggy bowl. Local potter T. Shea will be bringing out custom-made ceramic dog bowls that you will paint just for your furry friends. She will then glaze and fire them for you to pick up at the next event! Tickets will be going up for that at a later time.

Doggy Parade and Runway Show - May 19th: If you were here last year, you likely remember when we had everyone show up, dress up their dogs, and walk down Main Street. Well, we are doing it again! Start planning your costumes now because it’s going to be bigger and better this year. Stay tuned for more event details!

nerd out nights

with the fantasy pants podcast

Nerd out with your beers out! 

Welcome to game nights at rek’- lis, the first brewery space in the north country to host your favorite fantasy and board games!

may 13th at the Pint House, we are partnering with the Fantasy Pants Podcast to host a night for all gamers. Fantasy Pants Podcast is a local group bringing you exciting Dungeons and Dragons actual play podcasting!  Meet your host, Jeremy, David and Stephen on the 13th at the pint house where they will be here with a number of different games ready for you to play! 

On game nights we will have tables set up for Magic the Gathering, and tables for DnD one shots. For the not so fantasy gamers, every game night we will also have more traditional board games, cards, cribbage, and a space for anyone to bring any game they want to play with friends. *rek’- lis will be providing the games and starter hands for anyone wanting to learn DnD or Magic. 

Sign up is easy, if you are planning to come out, jump over to our eventbrite and reserve a spot at a table you plan to play. This is just to help us keep track of everyone coming and being able to split up tables for good gaming. 

For those who want to get more involved with the games or meet others who are coming, please take a look at the Fantasy Pants discord. They will be running a chat room to organize DnD one shots and to organize games that aren’t our big three!

The bar will be open with us pouring beer and cocktails through the event, attendees can also order food from the brew pub to eat. Doors will open at 5:30pm


Thursday night

Get Bashed Trivia Nights at rek’- lis!

The time has come again for the local’s season! We are kicking it off your favorite Thursday night hang out, Trivia Nights! Your good friend and local Ashlea is back hosting with a special co host this year, best friend of the brewery, Brentie!

Trivia nights will be held at the Pint House every Thursday Night from 7pm - 9pm. We will have our friends from the Baltic kitchen serving perogies to fuel your brains during trivia!



The best karaoke in the north country, only at rek'- lis! Join us at the Pint House, with your favorite host Phil Rivera, for a night of singing out of tune with no shame. Starting at 7pm!

friday 6/14